Owned by List Site, created at 2023-06-12 00:00:00

Top Drama films


  • The Shawshank Redemption

  • The Godfather

  • The Godfather: Part Ii

  • Forrest Gump

  • The Dark Knight

  • Schindler's List

  • Pulp Fiction

  • The Silence Of The Lambs

  • Fight Club

  • The Matrix

  • Goodfellas

  • Apocalypse Now

  • The Departed

  • The Green Mile

  • A Clockwork Orange

  • One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

  • The Prestige

  • The Bridge On The River Kwai

  • Saving Private Ryan

  • There Will Be Blood

  • Raging Bull

  • City Of God

  • American History X

  • The Deer Hunter

  • The Pianist

  • The Social Network

  • The Wolf Of Wall Street

  • Million Dollar Baby

  • Requiem For A Dream.



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